Ini adalah novel lanjutan dari Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window. Novel ini pertama sekali diterbitkan pada tahun 1997 di Jepang, dan diterbitkan di Indonesia pada tahun 2010. Judul asli novel ini adalah Totto-chan to totto-chan tachi yang artinya "Totto-chan dan para watoto" Karena ternyata dalam bahasa Swahili toto artinya adalah anak.. watoto adalah bentuk jamaknya, anak-anak.
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Tetsuko Kuroyanagi |
Hmmm..tidak tau harus memulai darimana... tapi yang jelas, sepanjang membaca novel ini..airmata ku sering sekali menetes dan hatiku begitu terenyuh. Sungguh besar karunia Allah yang patut kita syukuri, melalui novel ini...aku menyadari bahwa begitu banyak orang-orang di luar sana yang tidak bisa menikmati nikmat dan karunia Allah seperti kita. Jujur, hati ini menjadi malu dan teriris ketika membaca kisah2 nyata di novel ini.
Melalui novel ini, Totto-chan menceritakan bagaimana pengalamannya selama mengunjungi negara2 yang kusebutkan di atas tadi. Di negara-negara yang mengalami kekeringan hebat atau terkena dampak perang, anak-anak yang sebenarnya polos dan tak berdosa selalu menjadi korban. Ternyata masih banyak sekali anak-anak di dunia yang tidak bisa makan, kehausan, kurang gizi yang sangat parah, tidak bisa sekolah, tidak dirawat di rumah sakit, bahkan mengalami trauma hebat akibat perang.
Lewat tulisannya di novel ini, Totto-chan ingin berbagi pengalaman saat bertemu anak-anak tersebut, supaya makin banyak orang yang bisa membantu mereka menggapai masa depan yang lebih baik.
This is a sequel novel of Totto-chan: The Little Girl at the Window. This novel was published first time in 1997, in Japan, and published in Indonesia, in 2010. The original title from this novel is Totto-chan to totto-chan tachi. Its mean "Totto-chan and the watoto". Because in Swahili, Toto is a child..and watoto is children.
Totto-chan was not a little girl anymore, she grow up into a beautiful woman. She has become a famous artist and have many fans. But she never forget about her childhood. Therefore, Totto-chan highly agreed when UNICEF offered her to be a humanity ambassador (1984-1997). Since that, Totto-chan visited many countries. The countries that visited by Totto-chan were Tanzania ('84), Nigeria ('85), India ('86), Mozambik ('87), Kamboja dan Vietnam ('88), Angola ('89), Bangladesh ('90), Irak ('91), Etiopia ('92), Sudan ('93), Rwanda ('94), Haiti ('95) and Bosnia-Herzegovina ('96).
Hmmm... I don't know how to start this story...But, long as I read this novel.. my tears was dropped and my heart was so touched. What a great gift from Allah that we should be grateful. Trough this novel.. I realize that so many people out there who can not enjoy the blessing and gracing of Allah as we are. Honestly, I feel so embarrassed and sliced when I was read the true stories in this novel.
Through this novel, Totto-chan explained about her experiences when she was visited the countries that I mention before. In the countries which have severe drought or affected by war, many children who are actually innocent always become the victims. In fact, there are many children in the world who are cannot eat, hunger, highly malnutrition, can not go to school, not nursed in hospital, even have severe trauma because of war.
From her writing in this novel, Totto-chan want to share her experiences when she meet these children. So, many people can help them to reach the better future.
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