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How to stop being needy?

Have you ever been described as needy or clingy? Do you get so excited about a new friendship or relationship that you bombard the other person with attention, only to find that they distance themselves from you? Do you find yourself wanting to call, text, or e-mail someone a whole lot more than they contact you? If so, you've probably figured out that neediness is a turn-off to most people--where's it coming from and how do you get rid of it?

Slow down! Every relationship develops at its own pace--don't fast forward to being "soulmates" or "best friends forever" just because things feel great. Cherish the novelty of it all, and the excitement of having something new, because it'll never be new again. It can be nerve-wracking not knowing how a certain connection is going to unfold, but it's also exciting. Be patient and learn to savor that excitement. Don't try and push the connection into a stage that it's not ready for or you're missing the fun and creating stress.
Take off the rose-tinted glasses. Part of the reason we get disproportionately excited sometimes is because we tend to "idealize" a person in the very beginning. When you first meet someone who you have a connection with, it's so easy to get lost in fantasies of how awesome your friendship or relationship might be, but with those fantasies come high expectations, and sometimes those expectations are unrealistic! Make it a point to remind yourself that this new person is human, which means they're not perfect. They will make mistakes, and you need to be ready to cope and forgive, rather than act shocked that the person dares to be anything but perfect.
Practice quid pro quo (a Latin phrase for "this for that"). Imagine your interaction with this person is like a tennis or volleyball game. Every time you initiate contact, you throw the ball to their side of the court. Then, you have to wait for them to send it back. You don't toss a whole bunch more just to make sure he or she is still interested in playing. If you're a little on the needy side, you probably get nervous and worried while you're waiting. When this happens, take a deep breath. If you've already gotten in touch with someone (sent them an e-mail or text message, or gave them a call and left a voice message) there's no need to do it again. Whenever you do get the urge to contact them again, remember that there are only a few possibilities here:
  • They haven't had a chance to respond. Either they didn't get your message yet, or they've been too busy or preoccupied to get back to you. If you trust this person, then you have to give him or her the benefit of the doubt and assume this is the case. Give them time to get back to you. If it becomes a pattern, though, consider these two other possibilities:
  • The person is fickle. Some people just aren't good about maintaining a friendship or relationship; sometimes they're lazy, sometimes they're forgetful. If you suspect this is the if they always say they're going to call you back by such and such time and they never do, and this has happened several times, confront them about it using nonviolent communication. If the pattern doesn't change, you need to either walk away from them, or accept that they might never change, and you'll be forever locked into the role of "nag".
  • They just aren't interested. It happens sometimes, for a variety of reasons, but one thing is for sure--showering them with more attention will never change their mind. Persistence is not the answer! Pulling away may be their way of jumping ship without confronting you; any prodding from you won't change the way they feel, and deep down inside, you know that. If someone doesn't have the decency to respond, they're not worth your time--you deserve better than that.

Get busy doing other things. People who are busy simply don't have enough time to be needy; they're always preoccupied with other things, and guess what? Those other things often make those people more interesting friends and romantic partners. If you have nothing better to do than to wait for someone to call or write back, then you're probably bored (and you know what they say - if you're bored, you're boring). So what are you waiting for? Go volunteer. Learn to dance. Go for a run. Learn to oil paint. Join a club. Put yourself out there, apply yourself, and have fun! All your worries will fall away, and if and when the person gets in touch, it'll be a delightful surprise, not a frantic relief!


  1. bagus sekalii artikelna, ktana2 juga bgus sampe harus buka google translate.. haha... btw spasina kok sama yah?

  2. spasinya ga sama maksudna.. lol

  3. ya iyalah bagus..kan ad tuh sumbernya di bagian bawah =D.. ohh, sengaja..tuh kan point khusus, makanya spasinya beda ^^


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